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RMB only four three-Hop night

已有 502 次阅读2011-4-27 16:44

RMB only four three-Hop night

instant noodles to choose the cheapest. In this way, early, middle and late meals, a week down in stone. Is not she did not want to c Hardware handle ook, just the dirty kitchen, so she does not desire to learn to cook.Relax at least the weekend, the order of mind, music is indispensable. And find out the class came back from home computers and small speakers, connected to the laptop began to sing. Followed up and put a fat girl, her voice above the music.

"If you think I put the song did not sound good, you can tell me, we both put more chaos ah?" Step can only be formassage in beijing ced into such a class atmosphere of discord.

"I put my, you put your room one half of we two, without interfering with each other!" Fat girl tone rather scornful tone, never looking back said.

"Do not you think we both put chaos it?"

"How do you like so much contmassage beijing rol to others?" Fat girl suddenly turned to step classes, Hengrou Yi Chan Yi Chan's face.

"I'm in other people?" Step classes surprised about the sound overwhelmed her.

"You have to let me prevent a cold, take medicine, drink plenty of water, what to brush your teeth before going to bed, to bathe, school shoulwire fence d pay attention in class. If I were really sick, and not say anything, and you have a cold, let me eat Why do drugs!? "

"I sleep on a bed with you every day, is not afraid to infect you? You do not brush your teeth before going to bed, harmful to your teeth, I am not for you?"

"You're not my mother, not my boyfribeijing escort end, need it for me?" Fat girls continue to face Hengrou trembling.

"Into! Day, you do not ask me why your boyfriend brings you tread it? I tell you, because Hi Lai do not know!" Deliberately step class every word with emphasis.

By this time, there is no need to give step classes left her face. This contradiction has been in this empty room, secretly breeding for sevtemporary fencing eral days, until today, such as volcano-like eruption. Probably because the music she used to control the North, the good girl she was fat, appears to be meddling in others children, is to allow people to live comfortable.

Respect angered step class fat girl, fat girl staring eyes, bloodshot 乍现.

"You fucking give me that again?" Fat girl hand akimbo, one hand pointing to step classes.

"Well depends do not know!" Step class with her unrelenting insults.

"I beg your pardon?" Fat girl step forward, you can smell her greasy taste.

"Come again? Say it again, that is, twice! Good depends not understand!" Class-step completely lost!

Fat girl into the hands of the newspaper and the small volume of the arm in the step class to play a little, kind to hands-on posture.

"You call back and try!" Cried step classes.

Fought a fat girl, though superficial in the arm roll hit, but this step must not be humiliating to endure classes. Nchain link fence ow, she in the Southern Hemisphere, no parents, no music north, not wealthy, but who no triad brother, only her own.

Step classes he took the bag full of English books, to beat her head toward, what, two, three times I remember Shaolin kid said, as long as you hit a row, do not stop, she must fear, not with You confrontation. In this way, step classes and raised about what the heavy bag, fat girls, step by step back from the door, and finally squattiapad ng into the gap in the bed and desk, nowhere to hide, tears like a waterfall down the DC.

"I say again, you listen good! Is good depends on you do not understand!" Ban said steps word for word!

Put down the package, class step out of the room holding the IP card, sound of heavy door, as if trying to smash the door to the living ropipe fittings om of the roommates were shocked just by the sound, all eyes followed the pace of step classes, look at her out, passing the window, turned the corner on the street.


To help Shaolin looking for work, Yuntao reabeijing massage lly no less busy, the use of all the relationships, but also lost smile, but also invited him to dinner. Emerge out of his mind for a fun night north face covered with tears, heart soft as a pool of mud.

No wasted effort, and finally found a job for Shaomesh fencing lin, you can earn are also considered. Yuntao know the news, rush around to find music north, dragged her flat next to the fast food restaurant.

Fuk off to sit in, the music is not anpipe nipple xious to order the North, because the work of Shaolin is much more important than the meal, he resorted to feeding the hammer failed to find. Music from the heart, the North could not help give birth again Yuntao admbeijing escort iration.

"First order it, let's wait for the next said slowly." Yuntao open the menu handed Music North.

"Good! Today I ask you to" Le North would not finish, was interrupted by his ringing cell phone, and she impatiently pulling oucrowd control barrier t the phone, see above actually shows the "000000" number, she raised her phone, Yuntao front screen, his eyes flashed a little surprised





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