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Time Out's game rooms yet?

已有 343 次阅读2011-4-27 16:33

Time Out's game rooms yet?

"Ah, see, and good."Step class ULV sprayeres hung up the phone, Time Out toward the clear business card around.

To the airport to pick her this girl is in New Zealand Skykiwi forum know, said is the largest, most reliable Chinese Forum. In this way, in order to avoid expensive foreigners living in host families in going in the same plate in the step class, you find that person, ready to live with her.

Went to Time Out, step classes saw a fat girl waving to her.

"Class-step." Side fat woman wavcabinet handle ing at her side usher.

"Recognize me here?" Step class tired.

"Beauty ah, with the pictures quite like to."

"You seem a little fatter than thwelding supplies e picture." Step class said a big truth.

"You do not know, come to New Zealand had to gain weight, you wait, I'm coming weeks, ten kilograms of fat." Fat girl's face looked very much exaggerated.


"Well do not! Hey, I hear Beijing dialeOptical frame ct feeling too warm, you hear me say a few words more."

'd'm Not considered fat girl students, and perhaps Beijing girls are so talkative, especially to the poor. The step class is now more to know that hebeijing escort r place is to live like? Prior to that good, rent NZ hundred and eighty a week, a double bed, two girls sleep together, so you can live in host families than the province of more than half the money, one dig ninety on the line, from the live where only five 5-minute walk to school.

Step classes and fat girls chatting, out of the airport gate.

Step out the door first, fresh air nostrthermal fogger ils, with a little taste of the sea and flowers. Step classes took a deep breath and was captured the hearts of the smell, fingertips, like some kind of drug addiction on.

"Ah!" Class-step look up at the sky shouting, "I have come to believe why people would say that New Zealand is the last piece of paradise earth!"

All eyes like a fairy tale kingdom, grebeijing massage en tree branches and leaf comfortable, spotless on the road down a few birds, the flowers with dew to her smile, translucent colored car in the sun filling their colorful .

"How? Comfortable, right?" Fat girl asked.

"Too comfortable, I would like my life was so soaked with the air." Disregard step classes all the people around, poetic up.

"Can not be two days of immersion, we must put on weight." Said a boy in the next.

This step class notes, stood next to a boy and speak with a southern accent.

"He is our flatmate, then you tofogging machine gether."

"Flatmate?" Class-step search for the brain inside the memory hard.

"Oh, is the meaning of roommates." The boy said.

"Is the house we shared with everyone, of us to sleep one, there are several other." Fat girl explained.

Said three people entered the parking lot, moved into the luggage trunk. This is a red sports car, take the two classes the first step trot and did not know how to drill into the back, under the command of the boys, Hang Chi for a lothermal fogger ng time before we break apart the front seats, Juezhaopigu crawl, Wo behind.

On the airport highway to see the "City of Sails" banner, Wang Xiao Ran, and she said that Auckland is the capital of thouwelding helmetsands of sails. Along the way, step classes and the fat girl chatting while enjoying the paradise-like city. God, the roadside all the houses are villas of various shapes, and had seen the same TV. Each vilbeijing massage la has a small garden.

"Everyone living villas you?" Step class question.

"Ha, ha, ah, most of the houses are villas." Laughed fat girl.

"Most New Zealand houses are House, you do not call villa. Would have nothing, so you seem a luxury like that." The boy with a smile.

"House our house is it?" Step class question.

"Be it, that we are bigger." Fat girl.

Dafa how a specific child, fat girls awelding helmets nd boys are not going to explain. As a result, classes continued immersed in the beauty of these steps, enjoying the ocean scenery of the country, the summer sun, twenty degrees in temperature, wind ears, eyes low to fall from the sky, the radbeijing escort io came the song in English , there are all smiles in each car.

Classes when he was a good step to go, the plane landed will call can be two days later, the phone never showed the North music classes step calls. She'll be tempted to feel anxious, holding a cell phone pacing back and forth. Tfogging machine his move was seen Shaolin, scoffed. In Shaolin view, this is simply not fun to worry about the north of the matter. Top priority, she should be helped





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