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已有 352 次阅读2011-7-19 20:56

I wish we had another time,i wish we had another place.­..


Now Qomeo&Juliet,they could never felt the way we felt. Bonnie&Clyde,never had the highlight,we do.  Now u don‘t wanna let go and i don’t wanna let u know,there might be sth real between us two,who knew? cause i know u can‘t love me here...i’m still stuck in the moment with u.­


See like Adam&Eve,Tragedy was adestiny,like Sunny&Cher.i don‘t care.fightin every inch of my fiber,cause in a way,it’s gonna end.i am too foolish to stop...though this cold cold world saying we cant be.i am not with u.­No  can't!


When i wake up,i first think of u,i really like u and i hope u like me too.The sky is limit for me and u.i remember a day u ride with me.whenever im with u,u make me feel special.and all my problems,they go righ through the door.­


One day,we were play basketball on the playground,but we aint no more.­


Cuz we both so distance now and the walls are closing in on us.i get hurt,but i try,i learn,i cry.so its up to me.why am i in tears?so far away and now i just need u here,so i fight! so many times i wished you‘d be the one for me.it’s like an angel came by and took me to heaven.u steal my love all the time.­


Searchin low and high ,know that im not givin‘ up,i give it all up for u.i wont stop.i just need somebody to love.­


U make the sun shine in the moon light.u can make the greay clouds in the blue skies.When i met u guy my heart went knock.i wish our hearts could come together as one.­


Can u dig it?­


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