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law can not give such a broad vision

已有 181 次阅读2011-5-5 13:44

law can not give such a broad vision

to feel the inner strength of the human soul to the stream of life, profound experience. It can make its practitioners to the ide Medical faucetntity of witnesses and participants to share the emotional life , struggle, disappointment and triumph. Whenever I think of this great theme, I have made it difficult. "

I remember this passage is from the moutball valve h of Which senior, but I do remember, is that it prompted me for the first time to choose the law of this profession and make it my life career and the pursuit of . From law school to court, I walked all the way, like all of us, through the glory and dreams, disappointment and loss.

After entering the court through a lot of things for me to my career has been updated and the whole point of social conditions of observation and a deeper level of thinking. A large extent, the degree of a country's progress is reflecstainless steel handle ted in its judicial system. The results of observation and thinking people pessimistic, realistic and have a huge difference between the ideal, far away, such as divide natural moat, which made me extremely painful.

When the ignorant, we suffering from confusion; when to see the truth, we awake from the pain.

I was born in the eighties of the twentieth century, most peers are to survive the run. Although no longer young, but suddenly the presscabinet handle ure on the shoulders of the life of the weight or feel overwhelmed. We have picked up a variety of tools to do various jobs, depress the soul of yesterday are still around the corner, and slowly grow afogging machine nd mature. And our ideals, gradually grew up in this process, we have gradually been forgotten.

Maybe one day, floating down clamor. Dragged his exhausted body, I think of the young heart, arrogant dream, you might ask yourself: Are you willing to do?

I can not be reconciled. It is also for this just makes me unwilling to write this article. I believe that many people like me, hope you can see in my own shadow text. We used to think they can do anything, he was forced to accept their owULV sprayer n can not change the fact that nothing; we want to rebel against everything, it was eventually suppressed by all. We do not know how long can also persist, when the frustration in the yield, but at least not fully captured, I would like to exhthermal fogger aust the full, red all over the world cry out: "I do not compromise!"

Dedicated to all those who still do not want to compromise. You are brave.

Dedicated to all those who have been compromised. You are innocent.

Never compromise. And you encourage each other.

Another routine this:

This story is purely fiction.

Any similarity, please teULV sprayer ll me.


Fog down the field in the morning, the sun thin. I'm out the door wrapped in scarves, while cool head. When launching a motorcycle cell phone rang, I looked at the caller ID, is handing out punishment for a tribunal Lao Chen.

Lao Chen is a senior presiding judge, a senior for many years, has not been promoted. The reason is simple, he is too honest, not smooth. He was a good judge, but a good man. As many business contacts, I have good relations with him, be friendship between generations.

Pick up the phone, Lao Chen's voice was low: "Gao escaped tiger. Did last night."

I suddenly did not react, his mind blanaluminium handle k for a few seconds.

Lao Chen paused and said: "You have to be careful, it is estimated that still misses you kid."

Tiger watch Gao reminds me of my last one when the cold eyes, startled a moment, then said quietly as possible: "Lao Chen worry, I'll pay attention. ... ... Thank you, ah." Hung up the phone.

Road heavy fog, visibility is very low, vehicles are flashing yellow fog lights, carefully forward. I have one and a motorcycle pass through the street, helmet visor Results from a thin layer of water vapor, in front of the scene seems to have cast a layer of frosted glass. The city seems to be this fog purification, and all the fihard sealing ball valve lth have been thick fog filter. Everything that is so hazy and pure, I feel like being in fairy tales.

I am a judge, which is commonly referred to as judges.

Access to the courts has been six years, a long enough time to change a person. The sun and heat from the initial seasoned now, I do not know what you get more or lose more. Passion and dreams fade day by day, day after day, the rest is muHardware handlendane and trivial duplication: scoring, hearing, discussion, reporting, decision. Small cases to large cases, and now I have painted the city hospital is a young leader in a criminal judge.

The high-Jade Tiger is undoubtedly the case in my case the most influential one.

That was in 2006, the provincial Public Security Department and the Municipal Public Security Bureau jointly conducted the operation agaifogging machine nst evil forces, dominate the city for many years painted with high Yulong, Gao triad gang led by Tiger brother was completely destroyed. Occurred in the operation in a fierce gun battle, two policemen killed on duty. GAO Yu was killed on the spot, arrested Gao Hu and his mistress. Two brothers seized the city under the name of the bath, nightclubs, hotels at more than a decade, more than six thousand million in frozen funthermal fogger ds. Numerous officials of the Lok Ma followed. James City Procuratorate to organizing and leading crime syndicates, intentional homicide, intentional assault, affray, the harboring of firearms, ammunition, organizing prostitutstainless steel faucet ion, money laundering and other charges of more than ten people to the James City Intermediate Court.





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