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已有 249 次阅读2011-5-19 09:20

Masui, who took up his new role on 1 January Paper Bag, replaces Naohiro Fujitani, who has succeeded Hiroaki Tada as president of Fujifilm Medical Systems USA.oHarvester.renderAdvert('/news/article' Window Boxes, 'c501', '300x250');try {if ($('#c501Ad').size()){$(document).ready(function () {$('#c501Ad').show();if($('#c501Ad').parent().hasClass('adHide')){$('#c501Ad').parent().show()}});}}catch (error) {}The new vice-president Consumer Product Boxe, who spent the past two years at Fujifilm Sericol in Kent 16 Page Magazines, has more than 15 years of experience within the Graphic Systems business, including a period spent at Fujifilm's headquarters in Tokyo as manager of international marketing.Shigehiro Nakajima, president of Fujifilm Europe Gift Cards Printing, said: "I have very much appreciated Mr Fujitani's strong leadership Paper Wine Boxes, which has contributed to the enhancement of the Graphics Systems business and its current shape and organisation."I believe that Mr Masui and his staff will build on this platform and succeed in further reinforcing the European marketing organisation to meet the needs of a rapidly changing market place in spite of extremely difficult business conditions."





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