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Reds hats

已有 242 次阅读2011-5-4 16:54

One year ago this week, Texas Rangers hatsHolt watched the Spurs sputter through Houston Texans Hatmost of the regular season, cling to the seventh seed and still beat an old rival, the Dallas Mavericks, in the first round of the playoffs. It was a magnificent victory, validating for the Gregg Popovich and RC Buford regime because it convinced them they were justified in staying with the program. “We looked at the history of all this, and asked, ‘Should we try this or not?’ ” Holt told me. “And we realized – it’s worth it. Let’s keep doing it – transitioning without crashing. That’s what we’re trying to do, but also our goal is to win a championship this year so we said, ‘Let’s go after it again.’ ” The thirty-something Spurs had won again. Denver Broncos HatsOnly, they would get swept in the conference semifinals by the Phoenix Suns. Almost a year later, the Spurs have won 61 regular-season games, and it feels so much like a mirage. This isn’Washington Nationals hatst to say this series is over,Toronto Blue Jays hats because the Spurs have too much pride, too much invested. It isn’t your eyes that don’t want to count out the Spurs, but a sense. It isn’t logical, but much, much more based upon emotion. The Grizzlies were the anti-Spurs for so long: a small market with a bad GM and bad owner that squandered resources and lost games at an alarming rate. No more. Popovich is out of wisecracks about the NBA needing to convene a committee to stop such trades as the Pau Gasol(notes) deal. Now, it makes sense: Marc Gasol(notes), Pau’s brother, was a keeper.





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